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23 million euros for the sustainable development of cities in terms of the circular with the participation of the Saint-Petersburg cleantech cluster for urban environment


June 4 2019. Currently the total amount for co-financing EU-Russia international cooperation projects is EUR 25.3 million, of which projects with the participation of members of the Saint-Petersburg cleantech cluster for urban environment (hereinafter – Cluster) in the amount of 23.12 million euros. Unites these projects focus on sustainable urban development in terms of circular economy and active participation of Saint-Petersburg as a subject of the Russian Federation.

These projects are implemented within the framework of the INTERREG Baltic sea region 2014-2020:

Innovation Ecosystem to foster consumer cleantech markets in the Baltic Sea Region (SMARTUP ACCELERATOR)with a total project budget of € 2.22 million;

Baltic Smart City Areas for the 21st century (AREA 21) with the total budget of the project B2, € 55 million,

Using innovation procurement and capacity building to promote Circular Economy (CIRCULAR PP) with a total project budget of 2.45 million euros,

Clean Shipping Project Platform (CSHIPP) with a total budget of project B1,08 million euros,

Baltic Industrial Symbiosis (BIS), with a total project budget of € 2.5 million

Co-producing and co-financing community renewable energy projects (CO2MMUNITY) with a total project budget of 3.15 million. Euro,

BSR electric - Fostering e-mobility solutions in urban areas in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR ELECTRIC) with a total project budget of 3.83 million. Euro,

Innovative Strategies for Public Catering: Sustainability Toolkit across the Baltic Sea Region (STRATKIT) with a total project budget of 2.05 million.Euro.

In the framework of cross-border cooperation "Russia-South-East Finland 2014-2020":

Finnish Russian PPP catalyzing new green business” (Cata3Pult) with a total project budget of 0,85 mln. Euro,

Green energy regional markets development (GreenReMark) with a total project budget of 0.56 million. Euro,

Facilitation of startup, entrepreneurship and SME cooperation in the cross border region (STARTUP CONNECT) with oshimbadja project 0,81 million. Euro,

Energy-efficient systems based on renewable energy for Arctic conditions (EFREA) with a total project budgetof 1.35 million. Euro,

Wooden Lightweight hybrid composite materials for sustainable construction technology (SUSTECH)with oshimbadja project of 0.72million. Euro,

A novel mobile water purification plant (One Drop) with a total project budget of 1.18 million. Euro.

International consortium "Saint-Petersburg cleantech cluster for urban environment", based on the obtained international experience in a short time has generated a number of urban projects: "energy for the urban environment"; "Effective light"; "EKOLEND" (ind. the version of "Northern Shrimp"); "Standby heat out of waste"; "improving the efficiency of the MCD series mass 137"; "Warm city"; "Clean technologies in transport"; "Industrial Park clean technology"; "Leningrad oblast" ("Smart Leningrad region"); the "Smart city".