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Cluster of sustainable development 2030

On October 29, 2019, in St. Petersburg, within the Thematic line "implementation of the 2030 Agenda: national projects for sustainable development of cities and regions of Russia" of the all-Russian strategic planning Forum, the flagship project "Cluster of sustainable development 2030" will be presented.
The project will include an existing innovative platform for communication of best practices of projects in the field of sustainable development in the circular economy, combining cross-border cooperation Programs " INTERREG. The Baltic sea region 2014-2020 and the South-Eastern Finland - Russia cross-border cooperation Programme 2014-2020.
The international consortium "St. Petersburg cluster of Clean technologies for the urban environment" has prepared a MEMORANDUM of UNDERSTANDING for the participants of the flagship project "Cluster of sustainable development 2030".

The goal of the flagship project "Sustainable development Cluster 2030» - is building a more innovative, accessible and sustainable Baltic sea region on the example of St. Petersburg through the implementation of transnational cooperation projects in the Programme area.

Objectives of sustainable development Cluster 2030 project:

Formation of a joint open innovation international communication platform, created in St. Petersburg for the implementation of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (sdgs), including three aspects of sustainable development:

-Social aspect

-Environmental protection


Currently, the total amount of joint EU-Russian financing of international cooperation projects is more than 25 million euros, including projects involving members of the St. Petersburg cluster of clean technologies for the urban environment - 23.12 million euros. What unites these projects is the focus on sustainable urban development in a circular economy and the active participation of St. Petersburg as a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.